How Celery Juice Helps Teeth, Gum & Mouth Problems?

Celery juice can be used to treat a wide range of ailments and chronic conditions. Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Heals Millions Worldwide, but I'm going to talk about the part it plays in your oral health today. Demineralization is a common problem that affects teeth and gums and is linked to viruses and bacteria in the body. Among other oral conditions, this includes tooth decay, gum disease, and cavities. Medical science and research are unaware that this is one of the primary causes of the widespread teeth and gum problems. When consumed in the manner I suggest in Medical Medium, celery juice is a vital tool to aid in the healing of gum and tooth problems.

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Demineralization cannot solely be attributed to your diet over the past few months or even years; it can also result in tooth decay, root canals, and dental implants. Demineralization occurs gradually and can begin as early as in the womb. Your parents' or grandparents' mineral deficiencies were passed down to you if they didn't consume the foods that support gut or tooth health. And most of us can attest to this. When we reflect on the Great Depression, For instance, people were in need and were not eating enough. The following generations had the same flaws that had been passed down through the family. In addition to mineral deficiencies, a buildup of toxins in the body can also be inherited from one generation to the next. One heinous toxin that is passed down through the family line and contributes to or causes hundreds of different illnesses and symptoms, including dental issues, is the toxic heavy metal mercury.

Dairy and coffee are two foods that can be particularly problematic. Even if you stopped drinking coffee a long time ago, the acid in coffee demineralizes teeth. High levels of sugar and fat found in milk, cheese, and other dairy products coat the teeth and cause them to rot. On the other hand, fruits like apples and oranges, which are frequently cited as contributing to tooth decay, actually help to clean the teeth and gums. Contrary to coffee, the minerals and acids in these fruits kill the bacteria on the gum line. Lemons and limes, which are excellent fruits for the oral cavity, are also included in this. Numerous problems with teeth, gums, and the mouth are caused by bacteria and viruses, so it is crucial to starve these pathogens and kill them with the proper healing foods, herbs, and supplements.

The Gut-Mouth Connection:

In each of our bodies, there are harmful bacteria. According to medical research and science, bacteria and viruses feed on preferred foods like dairy, eggs, gluten, and others as well as heavy metals and toxins. Streptococcus and other harmful bacteria in your gut release ammonia gas when they consume rotting food that has been sitting in your digestive tract. This gas travels to other parts of your body and causes issues. You notice that morning breath when you wake up because, during sleep, gases from your body seep into your mouth. Not only does morning breath have an impact, however. Any dental problems, including cavities, are the result of a more serious condition that has been going on inside your body for a while. This implies that if you recently changed your diet to the one you believe is healthier and then developed a cavity as a result, it was not your fault. Cavities result from internal health problems that date back five, ten, fifteen, or more years, or even from inherited conditions that you were born with.

Too much fat and protein in the diet, whether it comes from plants or animals, leads to gut rot that the bad bacteria can then feed on. If you eat animal proteins, it's important to limit your intake of chicken, beef, and fish to once daily rather than three times daily. Ideally, you should also give up dairy and eggs. If you follow a plant-based diet, you should cut back on the number of times you consume oils, nuts, and seeds each day to just one. In your gut, excess fat makes it a haven for viruses and bacteria, where streptococci and H. pylori can thrive. Another favorite food of bacteria is gluten, which you should cut out of your diet to improve oral health. The pectin from apples, for example, travels to the gut and binds to debris in the intestinal lining helping to discharge rancid fats and rotting proteins from your system. Popular diet trends may advise you to avoid fruit. Fruit is necessary for treating all forms of chronic illnesses and their symptoms, including problems with the teeth and gums. You can read my chapter on "Fruit Fear" in Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal if you are afraid to eat fruit due to what a dentist has told you or what you have read.


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How Celery Juice Helps:

One of the best defenses against teeth and gum problems is to consume 16 ounces or more of plain celery juice every morning on an empty stomach. In Medical Medium Celery Juice, I answer hundreds of questions about celery juice, including how to make it, how to drink it, and how to receive its potential health benefits.

There are numerous ways that celery juice can treat oral health problems. Celery juice will assist in preventing the buildup of stale fats in the digestive system as well as the above-mentioned ammonia gases from harming your teeth and gums. Additionally, it will aid in improving bad breath.

A special type of vitamin C that doesn't need to be converted by your liver is abundant in celery juice. I always suggest the top vitamin supplements because they are wonderful. One of the supplements I suggest for people with chronic illnesses and symptoms is the appropriate form of vitamin C. (you can see how much vitamin C and the other supplements I recommend for illnesses and symptoms such as bloating, brain fog, eczema, acne, diabetes, adrenal problems, energy issues and fatigue, dark under-eye circles, gout, gallstones, hepatitis, SIBO, autoimmune issues, IBS, hormonal issues, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, inflammation and more in Medical Medium Liver Rescue: Answers to Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Strep, Acne, Gout, Bloating, Gallstones, Adrenal Stress, Fatigue, Fatty Liver, Weight Issues, SIBO & Autoimmune Disease), Therefore, it's crucial to consume vitamin C, which the liver converts, but by also drinking celery juice, which has a special form of vitamin C that doesn't require liver conversion, you'll be giving your body the best nutrition possible. The vitamin C in celery juice immediately supports the liver and immune system and will improve how well your body utilizes any supplements you take. Your teeth and gums will benefit greatly from the vitamin C in celery juice as well as the right vitamin C supplement.

Your stomach glands become weak as a result of a poor diet, pathogens, and toxins, which weakens your liver and stomach and reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid your stomach produces. There is only one hydrochloric acid, according to science and medical research. They are unaware that seven different acids make up hydrochloric acid. The types of proteins and fats you can digest and break down, as well as how well you do so, depending on whether one or more of the seven acids are functioning properly. A small handful of peanuts or a thin slice of chicken may prove to be difficult for you to digest. Bile and hydrochloric acid levels are restored by celery juice. Medical Medium Celery Juice contains a detailed explanation of how it accomplishes this. You can more easily break down fats and proteins and eliminate bacteria and viruses with stronger bile and hydrochloric acid. Additionally, neither bile nor hydrochloric acid can break down, digest, or assimilate all the nutrients that celery juice contains. Science and medical research do not know of this.

The unidentified sodium cluster salts found in celery juice are among the substance's most potent therapeutic properties. These unique and beneficial sodium cluster salts eliminate bacteria and viruses. Gum disease, cavities, and several other problems with the teeth and gums are all caused by bacteria and viruses. Toxic heavy metals, which also play a part in causing or contributing to several oral health issues, are disarmed by the sodium cluster salts in celery juice. I discuss how celery juice can be used as an oral therapy for a variety of conditions in Medical Medium Celery Juice, including cavities, mouth ulcers, mouth sores, gum disease, cracks in the corners of the mouth, and much more. Celery juice is a very useful tool you can use to aid healing if you drink it as I advise and use it as directed for oral therapies.

In addition to drinking celery juice, you can improve your gut health by consuming a lot of fruit, leafy greens, and vegetables. Please avoid eating animal proteins three times per day; doing so will only cause more issues in the future. Similarly, if you follow a plant-based diet, avoid eating nuts, seeds, avocado, and oils three times per day. For diets that primarily plant- or animal-based, try to limit these foods to once per day. All of the aforementioned foods—celery juice, fruits, and leafy greens—will strengthen your hydrochloric and bile production to make it easier for you to break down fats and proteins and to aid in your recovery from chronic illnesses and their symptoms, including oral health problems.

The fluoride treatments that dentists love to administer should also be avoided because fluoride is an aluminum byproduct that intoxicates your body, which weakens your immune system and feeds bacteria and viruses. Celery juice contains sodium cluster salts, which function as a disinfectant to remove bacteria and gases that have accumulated over time.

Next Steps:

Throughout your life, you have probably consumed some unhealthy foods and beverages. Alcohol, cheese, eggs, milk, candies, soda, and muffins. Additionally, everyone is born with some flaws and shortcomings that they inherited from their ancestors. Everything from dangerous heavy metals to pesticides to outdated medications to different bacteria and viruses is stored inside of us. All of these remain inside the body, posing health risks and weakening our immune systems. No matter how healthy your diet has been recent, oral health problems like tooth abscesses, swollen glands, trigeminal neuralgia, tonsil stones, receding gums, and cavities are essentially inevitable without taking the proper steps to remove pathogens and toxins from our bodies and restore liver and stomach gland function. While it's important to eat as healthily as you can, it's also important to understand that your teeth and gum problems are not being caused by your diet, either your current or recent one or any recent fruit you may have consumed. It dates back a long time.

Learn more about celery juice's benefits and how to treat oral health problems in Medical Medium Celery Juice so that you and your loved ones can take action right away to safeguard yourselves in the future. Get your copy of Medical Medium Celery Juice right away for more information on healing and the real causes of nearly 200 other symptoms and conditions.

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