How to Avoid Toxins in Your Toothpaste? 12 Ingredients to Ditch Now

Why you should buy natural toothpaste or make your nontoxic toothpaste.

You've already spent an hour hurriedly navigating the supermarket. Your children have thrown several pointless items into the cart. You're exhausted, ravenous, and finally prepared to retire.

Then you realize that you desperately need some toothpaste. You are certain that not even the tiniest particle of paste could be extracted further from that crumpled tube on the bathroom counter at home.

The issue is that you're unsure of what to pick once you get to the toothpaste aisle.

Whiter! Brighter! improved breath! These empty promises and more shout at you from fancy packaging, but even though all the marketing speak may be distracting, it's crucial to understand that what's inside those packages is what matters. It turns out that toothpaste contains a lot of unnecessary and harmful chemicals.

It can be challenging to identify harmful ingredients on the label of many conventional tooth types of toothpaste. I've listed which of those ingredients are dangerous below, along with reasons why you should choose non-toxic toothpaste.

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Do a Toothpaste’s Ingredients Matter If I’m Not Swallowing It?

You might be wondering why it's so crucial to avoid toxic toothpaste ingredients since you hardly ever swallow toothpaste and even when you do, it's not there for very long.

But here's how it works: Bad oral health can contribute to heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other conditions. The mouth-body connection is very real. Because of this, maintaining a healthy mouth is essential. Anything we put in our mouths, even for a short time, can have an impact on both our oral and general health.

The protective mucous membranes that line our mouths are susceptible to irritation, inflammation, and infection from toxic substances. Additionally, certain ingredients can upset the healthy balance of "good" and "bad" bacteria in our mouths, which helps to maintain our oral health. These chemicals can enter our bloodstream through our mouths. Your gut microbiome may even be impacted by this imbalance.

Here is a closer look at some of the potentially dangerous ingredients in toothpaste:

1. Titanium Dioxide (TiO2):

An inorganic chemical substance called titanium dioxide is used as a colorant to make toothpaste white.

Why it's dangerous There haven't been any studies to ascertain whether titanium dioxide is absorbed by the mucous membranes in the mouth, even though the majority of studies have concluded that it is safe for topical use on the skin because it isn't absorbed. The Environmental Working Group claims that titanium dioxide inhalation should be avoided because it may be carcinogenic and toxic to non-reproductive organ systems.

It's also crucial to remember that titanium dioxide is only used in toothpaste as a marketing ploy to appeal to consumers who prefer brightly white toothpaste and has no actual dental benefits.

2. Triclosan:

A pesticide called triclosan is used as an antibacterial agent in many consumer products.

Why it's dangerous Numerous studies on animals have connected triclosan to endocrine (hormone) disruption. It might also aid in the development of bacterial strains that are resistant to antibiotics.

And think about this: The use of triclosan in soap and body wash has been outlawed by the FDA (but approves it for use in toothpaste). This alone demonstrates the risks associated with triclosan, in my opinion. Why would I ingest something I wouldn't even put on my hands?

3. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS):

Chemically speaking, SLS is a surfactant, detergent, and denaturant found in many industrial cleaners and cosmetic products. Additionally, toothpaste uses it as a foaming agent.

Why it's dangerous even though SLS is toxic and has been mentioned in nearly 16,000 studies, it is still a common ingredient in toothpaste and many cosmetic products. This substance, which is also used as an insecticide, can irritate the skin and be toxic to the organs, according to EWG. SLS can cause canker sores by irritating the mouth and removing the protective lining.

Be cautious when scanning toothpaste ingredient lists for this harmful and cunning chemical. SLS is frequently listed by other names by manufacturers, such as:

- Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS).

- Monododecyl ester.

- Sodium salt.

- Sulfuric acid.

- Sodium salt sulfuric acid.

- Monododecyl ester sodium salt sulfuric acid.

- Sulfuric acid monododecyl ester sodium salt.

- Aquarex methyl.

- Akyposal SDS.

- A13-00356.


4. Fluoride:

Fluoride is a substance that is added to help remineralize tooth structure and thereby prevent cavities.

Why it's dangerous There is a reason why the FDA issues a warning for all fluoride-containing products: The Fluoride Action Network claims that even small amounts of fluoride can result in acute toxicity, which manifests itself initially as nausea, vomiting, and headaches. The fact that no over-the-counter toothpaste formula contains enough fluoride to neutralize teeth and that manufacturers are unable to add more due to FDA regulation may be the most shocking fluoride-related news.

Young children who tend to swallow a lot of the toothpaste they use can also develop fluorosis from too much fluoride harming their developing teeth. Additionally, fluoride treatments must be applied to the teeth after brushing for fluoride to be absorbed and the biofilm to be removed. (Just so you know, I do recommend fluoride in some situations but not in over-the-counter toothpaste because the risk-reward ratio is just not right.)

5. Artificial coloring:

To make commercial toothpaste aesthetically pleasing, artificial colors are added.

Why it's dangerous A 2012 study by Neurotherapeutics found that artificial food colors can harm kids even if they haven't been diagnosed with ADHD. Studies have linked artificial coloring chemicals to hyperactivity and ADHD in kids. Unlike you, I'm much more concerned with the effectiveness of my toothpaste than with how sparkly and blue it is.

6. Abrasive ingredients:

To "scrub" biofilm from the teeth, toothpaste is made with abrasive ingredients.

Why it's dangerous For toothpaste to work, it only needs to be slightly abrasive. Certain abrasives, like hydrated silica, are too harsh. These components may remove the dentin and enamel, causing sensitivity and gum recession.

7. Parabens:

Chemicals called parabens are added to toothpaste as preservatives to increase shelf life.

Why it's dangerous The FDA is still looking over and assessing studies that have been done on the safety of parabens. Parabens, which are known to interfere with hormones, are present in the majority of cosmetics and even most food products. Even though the levels in each of these products are regarded as "safe," the buildup in our bodies may result in issues, including a potential rise in the risk of breast cancer.

8. Propylene Glycol:

A synthetic chemical substance called propylene glycol is used as a surfactant.

Why it's dangerous Despite being categorized as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the FDA, propylene glycol is known to irritate the skin, eyes, lungs, and mucous membranes. As an illustration, paint, solvents for detergents, and antifreeze all use the industrial-grade variety. Authors of a 2013 study recommended that consumption of propylene glycol (and artificial colors, incidentally) be restricted, especially in children, based on studies showing that the substance was toxic to rats after prolonged use.

9. Saccharin (Sodium Saccharin):

A flavoring agent, saccharin is an artificial sweetener.

Why it's dangerous Although it hasn't been proven to cause the same type of cancer in humans, saccharin is a known carcinogen in rats, so I don't feel comfortable having it added to my toothpaste just to make it taste better. Additionally, it may result in diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and coughing.

10. Carrageenan:

Avoid using toothpaste that contains carrageenan. Red seaweed, also known as Irish moss, is the source of the food additive carrageenan, which is used to thicken foods.

Why it's dangerous In some animal studies, carrageenan caused intestinal problems like inflammation and colon ulcerations. Numerous people have complained of intestinal distress that was relieved by avoiding products containing carrageenan. The degraded form is also a known carcinogen. The degraded form may easily contaminate the undegraded (food grade) form during processing.

11. Aspartame:

A flavoring ingredient, aspartame is an artificial sweetener.

Why it's dangerous One of the chemicals in aspartame breaks down into methanol and alcohol when it is consumed. In this form, our bodies are unable to properly digest it. It can enter the bloodstream and change into formaldehyde. As this builds up in the body, damage can be experienced in the form of headaches, vertigo, fatigue, memory loss, and gastrointestinal discomfort. Additionally, a 2014 study found that aspartame may be carcinogenic.

12. Diethanolamine (DEA):

A substance called DEA is a foaming agent found in toothpaste.

Why it's dangerous Another known hormone disruptor, this substance receives a full 10 on the EWG's hazard scale. It can react with certain substances to produce carcinogens and is also used in some products to change the pH levels. As if that weren't bad enough, DEA is also known to be toxic to various organ systems.

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